Bounce Off (Art Prompt App)

Tania Zaidi
4 min readApr 27, 2021

This is a project that involves competitor analysis, personas, user flow, wire frames, visual mock ups, prototypes and a final app completed in 6 weeks. Thank you to Katherine Moriwaki for the critiques and weekly meetings.


How can we create a platform/online community for artists that is focused on: 1) fostering creative thinking 2) bringing together people from different backgrounds, creative practices, and points in their career 3) remains outside the bounds of institutional space.


Create an app that offers artistic prompts that urge the user to engage in unique activities they wouldn’t usually do and would force them to think outside the box. The creative responses to the prompts can then be shared with the Bounce Off community.

The Process

Personas & Scenarios

Felipe, 29 is a Fine Artist who lives in New York City. He is talented and established in his career but is currently having a creative block due to pandemic fatigue. His body of work has been following the same color scheme and style for years and he feels uninspired by his surroundings to come up with fresh new concepts and ideas. He cannot ask his peers for their thoughts on what to make for his next body of work. He knows it must come from his own creative mind. Felipe often browses through social media for inspiration and ideas and visits other art galleries however that doesn’t always help him gain clarity on his own thought process and motivations.

He wants something convenient like an app that will direct him straight to a community that shares ideas and prompts that stimulate discussion and production of new art ideas. He has stumbled upon art forums in the past however he is searching for something that is consolidated into one platform. He wants to be confronted with prompts that are challenging/ unique and even bizarre but open ended enough so that everyone can have their own interpretations. He wants to be motivated by artists and creators in the online space as well as being recognized in the community for his work and input.

Kira, 18 is a Student who just joined university however her major is undeclared. She knows she must build up an impressive art portfolio to be accepted into the Art Department at her school. Her interests lie in Painting and Sculpture. She has never had formal art training however besides high school art classes and needs some guidance as to how to get into the creative mindset.

She has read books like “The Artists Way” and “Steal Like An Artist”, that give vague pieces of advice on how to navigate the art world however she is looking for very specific prompts and direction. Kira has trouble tapping into the creative mindset and doesn’t know where to start. Her work often feels hyper realistic and rigid. She has also never been a part of an art exhibition in her life so she interested on putting her work out on a platform without much added pressure or barriers to entry.

Customer Journey

User Flows

Low Fidelity Wireframes

Competitor Analysis/ Precedence


Style 1:

Style 2:

Color, Typography, Layout Brainstorm:

Next Iteration :

This is currently an ongoing project :) WATCH THE SPACE

